Monday, October 4, 2010

Sorry I'm late...

I wish that I could say that my new thing was spending over an hour to drive about a mile and a half.  There was a terrible car accident and they shut the highway down.  I just needed to get to the next exit to go pick up the kids but it turns out that was the exit everyone was being forced to take so that the interstate would remain closed.  On the other hand, as I think about the woman that I watched in my rear-view mirror as she gripped the steering wheel and obviously screamed at the situation, I take it back.  I don't wish that was my new thing.  Because even though I left with 45 minutes to spare to be on time to get the kiddos - a rare feat, me being on time by the way - and I was now going to be late, I wasn't angry.  I felt sorry to keep my kids and the school waiting but there wasn't an urgency about my situation that outweighed my ability to grasp the fact that I had no control.   There was nothing I could do about that and I was cool with that.  Which, is actually kind of new for me...

I wish I could say dinner was new but since I ate lunch at 4:30, the hubs was stuck with leftover taco soup. I love cooking and I love cooking in the fall.  I was hoping to throw stuff in the crock but that's not the way the day played.  Plus, I don't wanna only talk about food.  It will probably happen alot but I don't want to burn up that avenue just yet.  I did taste the applesauce again tonight.  Uhm.  The cinnamon flavor has concentrated quite a bit.  It was, uhm.  Yeah.  It was way overwhelming.  And dang it all.  I was out out of vanilla bean ice cream.  And I don't think it would be good over the hot chocolate ice cream.  I'm brave but I'm not crazy.

I wish I had a new place to report on but I just went to Ulta - which I know from way back in the day when I lived in Atlanta.  I got some new make-up.  But I haven't tried it yet.  I also went to Archiver's.  That is SO NOT new.  I only bought one item and that was from the hot spot where everything is $1.99.  That's kind of new.  Archiver's usually has me on the ropes for a 10 spot at least - okay, okay, times 4.  One time I actually went in there and came out having spent no money at all.  My mom wasn't with me treating me to my scrapbooking fix or nothing.  I just flat out didn't do any purchasing.  That's pretty monumental.  I should scrapbook about that day.

I wish I had a new website to tell you about.  I tend to frequent about 5 every day.  I cycle through them all day long generally.  Aol which gives me my kindergarten flavor of news.  My brain can't handle the grown up version - there's too much I don't understand.  Don't talk to me about politics.  Seriously.  I'm not going to say anymore about it because just don't talk to me about politics.  I go to Slickdeals because I'm all the time looking for deals.  And come Black Friday season, that site is hotbed of information about where I need to be at 2 o'clock in the morning to score the stuff I will throw away 3 months after Christmas because it's broken, neglected or pooped out by one of the two action figure eating dogs we now house.  Facebook.  Really?  Are you looking for a reason?  Have you been on that site?  It's like crack.  Who is doing what?  What did they think of what I just said?  Whatever happened to my neighbor's dog walker from when I was 8 years old?  Who else has my name on this site and what are they like?  Is it my doppelganger?  Who is playing Mafia Wars?  Is my virtual pet swarming with flies because I haven't fed it in 34 days?  How many situations can I like?  How many companies will give up a coupon if I fan them?  No?  Just me?  Riiiiiiiiight.  I check my email.  You've got your own.  You don't need a link or a recommendation on that.  Crossroads.  This is my church.  I don't think that I could say enough about this place.  If you live in the tri-state area of Ohio,  I think you should check it out.  I don't want to be pushy.  I'm just gonna say - it's not a cult and it changed my life.  And then I check out various couponing sites - I don't really want to list them all.  There are links at the bottom if you want to peruse.  I love couponing.  It feels like a big fat, instantly gratifying secret.  All I can say is, couponing is not a cult and it changed my life.  But not the way Crossroads did.  God over coupons - every time.  So, on the one hand, finding another website could expand my horizons.  On the other hand, nah.  Anything I say at this point might be used against me.

I finally listened to some of the song California Gurls by Katy Perry and wished I hadn't.  Apparently this was a very hot song fairly recently.  But I don't get it.  And I don't get how Katy Perry can get all self-righteous about Lady Gaga putting a rosary in her mouth while she bangs out a song about smoochin' a girl and liking it.  But that's a rant for another time.

I watched a NEW episode of House.  I love that show.  I dig good writing.  Here are the shows that I watch because of good writing:  Office, Glee, House and a whole mess of stuff on DVD or Netflix (The Wire, The Closer, The Shield, Entourage, Dexter) so I can have marathons of episode after episode and get all resentful about my sleep-deprivation the next day.

So, with all this wishin' here is my new thing for today:
I wish you all a good night, pleasant dreams and a lovely tomorrow.
This gets 10 out of 10 Jenny's jewels because civility and gentleness continue to spiral down into a pit of self-absorption and I want you to know that I wish these things and more for you.  Cuz I'm all gentle and civil.

Did I cheat?  Ahh well.


  1. I was so excited to see you were blogging - you are funny and honest in a way most people don't have the guts to be. Now you can say you have an international audience!!

  2. Thanks so much Beth! How is it across the pond? You get to watch some good t.v. over there. I adore British humor! Have you become funnier since you relocated? American smooch!

  3. Oh my goodness I love these British people. They are funny without even trying. And yes, excellent television. I am really hoping to run into Ricky Gervais in some random pub. Or John Cleese. Or Robert Plant (ok he's not funny, but I love him). Thanks for the love!
