Friday, October 1, 2010

First things first...

I thought I was really onto something.  I can't remember the twists and turns that I took to get to the point where I found out that the word "cavy" was another name for guinea pig.  I was stupid excited.  I didn't even bother looking up how to pronounce it.  I just knew that it would go with the word Savvy quite nicely and incorporated the fact that I was a guinea pig - testing new things and such.  Unfortunately, not everyone has the same dictionary and/or thesaurus action that I apparently did that day and everyone thinks I'm calling myself a savvy rodent.  But then I might have named this Spice Mice Jenny or Natty (or Nati) Ratty Jenny.  Not nearly so cool.  I'm just a hip chick trying out a new experiences.  So that's the story behind the name and the name behind the woman.  I dunno.  I just kept typing.

Now, onto today's new thing!

I needed a little me time and started with a Starbucks venti Toffee Mocha (bonus new thing note - it's pretty good.  It's all Starbucky and syrupy but for $4.75, I'd rather have a couple of regular cups of coffee from there until the Gingerbread lattes are available.  Or the salted caramel comes back - you getting this Starbucks?  PUH-LEAZE bring back salted caramel hot chocolates.  3 out of 10 Jenny's jewels - even fool's gold means something to some people...).  Anywho... I ended up at:

Grandview Weekend Outlet
50 Eswin St.  Greenhills, OH 45128 - in the old Johnny's Toy building
513-674-1500   Friday and Saturday 10am-8pm, Sunday 12pm-6pm

If you want to split hairs - and really why would you want to?   It's like saying "playing devil's advocate".  Does that dude really need any assistance?   Anywho, this wasn't ENTIRELY new.  I had about 15 minutes last week and buzzed in but today is the first day that I had to explore.  I'll give you some disclosure here.  I consider myself a treasure hunter.  I really love the thrill of poking into nooks and crannies of stores and clearance sections.  I can spend hours just looking around in one store - or even one area of a sales establishment!  I will fill my cart up and sometimes I'll buy everything in it and sometimes I will get rational and practical and take a bunch of stuff out.  Sometimes I just need to fulfill the idea of possibility.  And sometimes I need a bunch of stuff.  It could go either way.

This place can be a little overwhelming when you walk in.  It's big and there's stuff everywhere.  But once you start wandering, you kind of get the sense of the fact that there are sections and a sense of organization.  And there is a little bit of everything.  There is a section of uhm, crap that you get to take 70% off of the price.  I found some Goody hair accessories for the girls that were 60 cents.  And a dog toy for a buck 80.   The rest of the store has toys and clothes and food and linens and shoes and hardware and mattresses and, and, and.  After a while, I notice a lot of brands come from Target, Walmart, Kmart and Kohl's.  Which is cool since I shop those places and I have an idea of the prices.  So, if you have ever wondered what happens when you start seeing merchandise going the clearance route and doesn't sell - it ends up here.

Shoes are a good deal.  There isn't a huge variety but I will be seeing which kid needs snow boots and getting them there.  I bought a bra because I really needed one but there is not a fitting room there and I won't be able to return it if there is a problem.  So, I rolled the dice and looked ultra cool trying it on over my shirt in front of a propped up door mirror.  At $2.99, I either hit the jackpot or I lost out on half a venti Toffee Mocha.  :D

I will say that I wouldn't really buy much from the food stock there.  For one thing, nearly everything is expired.  And I'm willing to let a week or two go but not a few months.  Or a year.  Most of the cans were dented and that is something that I don't mess with.  And finally, the prices were laughable on a lot of the items.  In one million years I would not spend .79 on a pack of gum.  At all.  Especially from a close-out store.

I went to the linens area with only about 10 minutes left to finish shopping and pay out before I had to pick up the preschoolers.  I was thrilled to find some mattress covers because I had forgotten that I needed them and they were a great price.  I paid $2.49 and $3.99 for what I think are good quality covers.

So here is the bottom line.  I had fun.  I looked very closely at everything I was considering buying and put things back because they weren't worth the flaws I found.  The only thing they are willing to return is clothing - and it's for exchange only.  I want to go back and spend some more time in some of the sections and there are some that I know to skip next time.  I found some good bargains.  I give this place 6 out of 10 Jenny's jewels.  I'm going mid-grade because if you don't like bargain hunting with emphasis on the hunt, this place is not for you.  And if you like to spend lots of time to save lots of money, then this rates higher for you.  It's a diamond in the rough.  Or at least a lab-created ruby.

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