Sunday, October 24, 2010

I didn't do it, scheee

The English language is so stupid.  There is school.  And there is schnauzer.  The SCH is pronounced ridiculously differently in those two situations.  Also, I before E blah, blah, blah...

Panda Express just opened up by us.  Here is why this is cool.  Whenever I check out one of my favorite bargain sites, slickdeals, there are peeps telling about getting free entrees from Panda Express.  I like rice and stuff that goes on top of it Asian style.  So, having a place open near me that offers both - that's good.  So, they opened yesterday.  And in celebration, they were offering 2 free entrees with a 22 oz. drink.  That's what my friend Kathy facebook messaged me, and I believed her.  So I did a drive by.  With 4 kids and 2 dogs.  3 awake kids.  2 very alert dogs.  1 sleeping child.  The line was 40-50 deep, easy.  And I LOVE free.  I will wait out free.  I will challenge free.  I will compliment free.  Free is GOOD.  Which is a way better line than, "Greed is good".  It's more appropriate, as well, in this day and age.  And I surveyed the line.  I surveyed the car.  And you know what I did?  I kept on driving.  It wasn't worth it to me to park and stand in line.  My 9 year old son could have held the car steady.  Correction.  My son could have been present while he  played iphone games.  I would have trusted him.  There was already one asleep, and the others may well have followed suit.   The dogs would have protected the lot.  But I couldn't afford the time.  You don't know the difficulty of this.  Perhaps there are others who have that ability of walking away cleanly.  But I gotta tell you.  That ain't me.  They say that free is the most powerful word in the world.  They are, at the very least, correct  in my case.  Free takes me places.  Free makes me excited.    And here was a free meal.  And I drove away.  No food thawed or planned.  And I drove away.  I'm not really equipped to explain the depth of this. I like Asian food.  I like rice, alot.  I like free more than I like keeping my kids quiet and still.  So, why did I leave?  Honestly,  I'm not entirely sure.  I'll own up and tell you that I told Hubs to go stand in line on the way home.  He asked if I was serious.  Really?  We've been married since 1998.  Does he really have to ask if I'm serious about some free food???  And do you know what he did?  He upped me.  He replaced the free with the favorite.  He told me to call in the Indian order and he would pick it up and bring it home.  Sometimes he has the bestest timing in the universe.  Sometimes he gets it dead on.  Like when he surprised me with tickets to Shawn Colvin.  Which were temporarily front row until they added some rows of metal folding chairs in front of us and then we were like 3rd or 4th row.  But it was an acoustic set and she took requests and everything.  And Hubs is a studly manly man and Shawn Colvin is really so not up his alley.  It's up mine.  So he took me.  And this night, this night that had me struggling and lagging behind and really needed it, he got it just right.  I didn't ask.  He just offered.  And it wasn't free.  It was a much pricier version than the one I was going for.  But that Hubs of mine likes to pick out times and let me know that I'm worth it.  It ain't always the time that I think I need to hear it, but it's always perfect timing when he tells me.    So, I can't rate Panda Express for you.  But you know what I rate my inability to rate it for you?  10 out of 10 Jenny's jewels. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm am such a sucker for REAL romance. Tears formed in my eyes. (I know, I'm a kook!)

    Okay, this has nothing to do with this blog, but a previous one. Please DO NOT use hummus in place of plain chickpeas for chocolate chip cookies. Hummus has garlic and lemon juice added, which, in my humble opinion, would ruin the flavor of the cookies. (okay, I feel better now. I just couldn't sleep well if I never told you that.)
