Saturday, October 2, 2010

Give me a sec...

I totally flaked.  It isn't that I didn't want to do something new today.  I did!!  But the opportunity didn't really present itself.  I guess I could say that my new thing was that I used my husband's keys to go and get his check out of his desk.  I have been to his office before but I have never used the side door.  Or been there alone.  But that's lame.  I don't think that should count.  While I was waiting for a prescription to be ready, I drove by a tattoo place that was running a special on piercings - $13.  I have considered getting a very small stud in my nose.  I like the way it looks and I'm very brave so it would probably work out okay.  And it would definitely be new!  But I remembered that the hubs originally said whatever and then followed up with an eh, I'm not into it.  So I texted him to be sure of his stance.  He is in the not a fan camp on this.  So, I like him and I like to have him liking what he sees when he looks at me and vetoed a nose piercing as my new thing today.  Which means that I have to go look up and use a new word real quick so I can continue being legit...

Okay.  So, I was in the middle of looking up a word - and it was a new one, albeit boring, when our Saudi student came in the room.  That's right.  Saudi as in Saudi Arabian.  It's been quite the cultural exchange having him around.  I have learned alot and I know that he has as well.  Anywho, he is in an English immersion program and asked me if I could read some words into a recording device (recorders just refer to the instrument at this point, right?) so that he could listen to them and practice pronunciation.  So, I did that and that was totally new.  When people list their favorite things about me, and believe you me, it's a long list they start rattling off, my voice isn't usually one of them.  But this dude wanted my help and probably he is so familiar with my voice after hearing it for over 6 months that it is easier to discern the words than with strangers talking.  He seemed pretty pleased with the results.  Who knew that clearly speaking words like harbor and razz could make someone's day?  Working with him has definitely kept me on my toes.  I knew that I loved words but having to define so many of them - it feels like it's a re-education to not just know the words but to be able to describe their purpose - it's cool. 

In closing, I give speaking into our Saudi's recording thingamabob 10 out 10 Jenny's jewels.  Helping someone is the bestest and feeling needed and appreciated rocks pretty good too.

If you are dying to know, the word for the day was:  mussitate.  It's a verb that means to silently move the lips in simulation of audible speech.  Here's the word in a sentence - Milli Vanilli was totally busted for mussitation when the record skipped during their performance.  Yeah.  I dated myself big time on that one...

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