Thursday, October 7, 2010

A little of this, a little of that...

I was straight up pooped today.  My wall is generally between 2-4 pm.   Lately it is at the far more convenient 4-6 pm.  Nothing says bedtime like having taken a nap that ended 2 hours before.  Today, however, the wall was smacking me in the face all.  day.  long.  So, I got up and drove everybody where they needed to be and ended up doing my regular Thursday gig.  I volunteer at my church doing prep for the people who teach the kids on the weekends.  They watch my kids and I have grown up girl talk every week.  It's a pretty sweet deal.  Lysha brought in an amazing apple pie.  So, it's the first time that I ever had that (notice - new thing alert).  And she has cinnamon secrets.  That's intriguing.

After I got the eldest two from school, I suggested that we take the dogs for a walk.  I am way over chasing the dang dogs around trying to remind them that they live a sweet life.  Which means I'm not letting them hang out in the back yard because even though I'm supervising, they blatantly get out right in front of my face.  Ridiculous.  Since, I don't want to clean up the fall-out of that decision, we take our first ever (notice - new thing alert...) walk with the dogs.  4 kids, one parent and two dogs.  4 kids fighting over who could hold the leashes of one constant runaway and one who weighs more than 3/4 of my kids and close to one half of the remaining.  One exhausted, cranky parent.  Two lively dogs on their first walk around the neighborhood they now live in.  It was not a soothing, relaxing walk.  For any of us.

This whole day, I have been just fighting off the urge to just curl up under a blanket and snore despite the glorious weather.  I think that last night took a toll.  Apparently swarms of Cinderellas and Ariels can sap a lady dry.  I think that being down to one car is really starting to wear me down.  You wouldn't think that driving around could be so draining but somehow it is.  Which is interesting because I maintain pretty much the same position when I'm at home - sitting on my bum, hands in qwerty position, steering my internet around.  I think that probably I should exercise.  And here is why that is just about all out stupid and contrary.  You don't have energy to exercise but exercising gives you energy.  I submit that that kind of "logic" illustrates just how evil exercise is.  Stupid exercise.  Being all good for your heart and circulation and such.  Whatever.

So, friends, in the spirit of maintaining my commitment to one new thing a day - and I acknowledge that I did do some new things, but I think you deserve more - to the degree that I can give it to you under my current conditions (don't take it personally.  The hubs had to eat a samich for dinner.  It was a fancy, yummy samich but a samich nonetheless - I dropped the ball for all kinds of peeps today)...

Urban Dictionary:
I was looking up word of the day sites.  I was pleased that I knew a few of the offerings for a few different sites.  I didn't know cater-cousin.  But after reading the definition, I did the hoity-toity move of deciding that my vocabulary wasn't wanting for not knowing that word/phrase.  But I found an intriguing website that really spoke to my interest in pop culture influence on language.  It's not like I'm writing a thesis on it or anything.  I just find it fun and interesting.  I like that the slogan for the website is:
Urban Dictionary is the dictionary you wrote. Define your world.  

Oh.  They have no idea the can of worms they are opening up there.  You want me to define my world and let you know the words I use to do that?  Heck to the yeah!  Sign me up.  Especially since the following is their word for the day:  fantasy cheering.  It's when you root for someone just because they are on your fantasy football team even though you hate their guts because their real life team beats your real life team in real time really all the time.  If this gig pays, I'm up for MILLIONS.  Here is a sampling of what I could offer:

flaps.  It's short for flapjacks.  It's my way of trying to work around the f-bomb around my house.  Like: "Flapjacks that's hot!!".  It's been shortened to flaps - because really, when you get burned, shorter words are better to try to remember.

Just kidding.  This is my signature response to a foible (look it up!) I make to cover the fact that I foibled.  It might be copyrighted and trademarked to me so maybe that's not such a good one to offer up.  Unless I get royalties.  Hmmm.  Yeah.  Use that one.  Alot.

What the Hello Kitty are you doing/do you think you are doing/were you thinking?  Walking around the H-bomb on that one.

smooch.  This is my branded sign off to all correspondence.  Check that.  Email correspondence.  And school lunch notes.  I think it works beautifully because I can use it intergenderly (another one I will patent for the urban dictionary submissions) and it is benign enough that my hubs and a dude's chick don't think I'm making passes.  I'm not.  I just love my peeps and an actual kiss would be inappropriate but a word that is used to indicate one is not.  I think.  I have been inappropriate before and I would recognize that reaction again.

pickle.  A term of endearment.  I think it came from the term "pickle-weasel" that Kelso said was a funny word on That 70's Show.  And he's right.  It's a funny word.

And that's just the tip of the tongue.  There's a plethora more where that came from.  But not tonight.  Tonight I've got some snoozing to do.

I give Lysha's pie 9 out of 10 Jenny's jewels.  If it had had some chocolate - that would have bumped it up.  On the other hand, I'm not a huge fan of apple and chocolate together.  Tough call.  I give walking the dogs 2 out of 10 jewels.  It was nice to be outside.   That's about all I can say about that.  I give the Urban Dictionary 8 out of 10 jewels based on today's word of the day.  I plan to peruse a bit more and if they accept submissions, they will get a solid 9 and if they take MY submissions - I will have to reinvent the scale to include more jewels.

Goodnight smooch pickles.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the jewels and the shout-out, my friend. I draw the line at adding chocolate to my grandmother's apple goodness, but I think her secret ingredients more than make up for it. Glad you enjoyed it. Great to see your spunky self yesterday. xoxo ~L
