Tuesday, December 14, 2010

this just in... part two...

I don't often start sentences with "the icing.".  So, when I did my thing where I re-read my post the following day, imagine my consternation (that's right) when one paragraph began exactly that way.  You know what that means?  That blogspot site chaps my ... hide.  This happens frequently.  One time would be confusing.  More than once is frustrating.  We are about to go vexing on this little quirk.  And it is super bothersome as, believe it or not, my posts are stream of consciousness situations.  I jump on, not necessarily knowing what I will be chatting up, and let my freak fingers fly.  So when parts of it go missing, they truly go missing.  I don't ever fully recapture that thought or moment again.  All the spontaneity goes kaput.  My solution?  Well, for today, I have edited last night's post to the best of my recollection.  For the long term?  My normal M.O. would be to stomp my feet and quit blogspot.  I'm a quitter.  Which is cool when it comes to smoking and bad boys and other nefarious (that's right) doings.  But it's not so cool when it comes to - just about anything else.  This time, I will try a new approach (something new, if you will).  I will start doing my post in a word document and then pasting that into my blog.  For some reason, I have this idea that something will be lost in that process but I will squelch that fear for now.  But if blogspot continues to make editorial decisions in which it cuts my post, well, I might have to press a word, if you know what I mean.  You know.  Use a WordPress.  Nudge, nudge, wink, wink, say no more, say no more.  So, we will catch up later.  I have begun my new thing for today and I am looking forward to sharing it with you later.  Word.

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